Mark Kac Center for Complex Systems Research

Jagiellonian University


Last two decades have confirmed, how crucial is the role of proper risk assessment in the financial engineering. 1998 crisis, collapse of IT markets, incomplete methods for derivative trading (options) etc, all point at the need of novel methods for interpreting the data which exhibit large fluctuations, like e.g. contemporary stock market indices. It is therefore necessary to create an institution devoted to fundamental research of the information on the markets, collaborating with partners from financial sector. Since two years such activity is being performed at Jagiellonian University - the Forum of Financial Physics, in collaboration with prof. Jurkiewicz and prof. Nowak (both from Theory of Complex Systems Group), develops econophysics, i.e. application of the advanced methods of theoretical physics for the analysis of real economic and financial systems. Group collaborates intensively with econophysicists from Europe and US.
